Sparkle and Thrive

[Episode 11] Turning 40

November 05, 2019 Joy Foster Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode TechPixies founder, Joy Foster, discusses her thoughts on turning forty. She talks about the highlights of her 30s and her hopes for the next decade:

I’m not sure I’m ready to admit it but I’m about to turn 40 years old. That said, as usual in life, I tend to try and be a glass half full kind of person, so I’ve taken a moment today to reflect on the things I loved about my 30s and what I’m looking forward to in my 40s.

5 of Joy's highlights in her 30s:

Being a newlywed

Living Abroad, in Switzerland and England, I have learnt so much about different cultures and seen the world from a different angle… 

Becoming a mother 

Getting back in shape (after a 6 year hiatus from having children) and even though I didn’t complete the Ironman, I’m nearly as fit as I was in my 20s! 

Becoming an entrepreneur - The best time to plant an oak tree was 20 years ago, the next best time to plant one is now! How do I get started? Just start!

Three of Joy's hopes for the next decade:

Entering into my second decade of marriage - I honestly feel like it is a huge accomplishment to be married 10 years. I come from a family in which divorce all of my parents experienced divorce - all for legitimate reasons - but definitely not something I wanted to go through personally. This has taken hard work and commitment to stick to! 

Going to bed with Tim (Joy's husband) is a big one.

Not just doing our own thing - i.e. watching movies and series independently, but together.

Being more present - especially with my children. Over a decade of being an entrepreneur who has tried to discover her path means that I’ve started three businesses in twelve years. My path as an entrepreneur has shifted and I’m now out of startup mode and into growth mode - which requires a different set of skills but also gives me the luxury I may not have had in the early days of hiring people to help me run the business so that I get time back with my family. 

Thriving in all aspects of the word. One of the major lessons I learned in my 30s was that women do two things when they have children (or at least I did):

> Shut down our own dreams to focus on theirs

> When we do get a chance to start dreaming again… we think small. I’ve learned to think BIG. I truly believe that TechPixies offers a product (our Social Media Magic Course) which transforms lives. I want to get it out to as many women as possible and because of modern technology - this is entirely possible!

This episode is brought to you by TechPixies Social Media Magic.
Be sure to sign up to our free training if you are making plans and dreams for your future (or next decade!) Training starts 7th November.

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